Police have found the decapitated and dismembered bodies of 18 people near Mexico's second-largest city, Guadalajara, on Wednesday,. This  appears to be the latest atrocity by the country's most brutal drug cartel, the Zetas gang.The bodies and heads were found in two vehicles on the side of a highway near the town of Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos. Guadalajara, once known for being a high tech city, has become the base for the Zetas gang since the 1980's.A violent turf war has flared up between the gang and its rivals, and it is highly probable that this was the cause for the beheadings.
It has come to a point , that no matter what military or police operation is implemented, the drug cartels will not fall. the corruption is so deep rooted in politics and the military that an overhaul of the whole political system, the police and military is required to happen before anything can change, and all the killings will stop. Why don't the Mexican
 people protest and demand a more transparent government? 

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